Business to Business Communications

We bring transformational leadership to Transportation and Logistics Leaders. Our focus is on coaching training and mentoring company leaders, helping them to get, keep, and grow their team and their customers. Topline revenue is impacted largely by effective marketing and communications. Digital is playing a more important role than ever but it is still about people, process and product and that is what affects profit more than anything else. And when you can impact profit…you stay in  the game.

Over the past 40 years, we have had a “seat at the table” with Presidents, CEOs and many of the “Top Leaders” at some of the largest and most innovative companies in the industry. And we have worked with some of the smaller organizations that have found their success within the supply chain too. We’ve worked with industry legends and recognized brands: thought leaders at Ford, Caterpillar and A.T. Kearney, express carriers including DHL, FedEx & UPS, third parties like the Hub Group, Tranzact, Transplace and CH Robinson, then truckers like Schneider National, YRC Worldwide, ABF and Landstar and finally we’ve worked in rail and rail intermodal with executives at BNSF, CP, CSX, NS, UP and the FEC.

The Sound Business Network Executivce Producer (Denny Grim) has become a recognized leader in local, national and global associations…groups like the Traffic Club of Chicago as their Education Committee Chairman Emeritus. He holds the same status with the Annual Dinner Committee. Currently Denny is Chairman of their Marketing Committee. Denny is also one of only two individuals to receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from TMSA (the Transportation Marketing and Sales Association) during its 100-year history. He is a founding member of the Supply Chain Blueprint Committee an international North American cross-border transportation and logistics organization. There is much to be said for the value of association involvement, personal networks, professional affiliations and peer group connections especially as they relate to relationship building inside of ones industry and marketplace.

Bottom line – is to know what it takes to grow people and markets, even while transforming a client company’s culture and their “top line revenue.”  That is the BBC’s “Sweet Spot.” If you’re ready for a genuine relationship that will produce a visible result in people and profit, begin a conversation with Business to Business Communications. Learn how to establish a positive and lasting influence on your people while generating a program of profitability for your business.

Denny Grim

Business to Business Communications is a Purpose Driven marketing, development and connections consultancy. We are business integrators incorporating communication principles through social networks and interpersonal connections. Content development and story telling intersect through thought leadership, relationship management and network development concepts that connect target markets with media platforms focused on personal and professional development.

Our vision, mission, values and strategy are delivered to the freight transportation and logistics marketplace through collaboration, association and media specific systems. Our Desire is to connect people to people so they can add value to their business and their life. We are connectors, collaborators and communicators. We consult, council and coach leaders in transportation and logistics. Our HOPE (Help Other People Excel) is to HELP (Humbly Encourage Logistics Professionals) and be the catalist that makes “the way” for transformation and engagement. The goal is to connect people to a Christ centered business that brings more than money to the bottom line.

Values Matter

Our Vision: to lead leaders…to equip, encourage and engage team members and then to channel that motivated, educated and inspired force to reach out and serve their personal and professional community of connections and relationships through collaboration…working together for the good of the whole.

Our Mission: to help our clients get, keep and grow their people and their customers.

Our Values: to love God and love people.

Our Strategy: to differentiate our clients from their competitors, identifying leaders in the organization, serving their needs and positioning them for even greater levels of success.

Stories Matter

We are “Story Tellers” positioning clients among leaders and legends in business and industry…specifically transportation, distribution, warehousing, logistics and the supply chain.

We are relationship builders and connection masters leveraging networks, sharing truth, establishing trust, taking clients to the next level, making space for grace and then leading by serving.

When leaders motivate and encourage an inspired team “growth” happens. Consistent and timely communication that tells your story, one with meaningful, interesting and desired content, content that connects the right people in the right place at the right time…that is the key to your success.

You Matter

As iron sharpens iron, ordinary organizations are being transformed into exceptional enterprises. Knowledge becomes wisdom when you initiate the input of advisors. They tell us that leadership answers the question “where are you taking me?” while emotional intelligence asks, “how are you treating me?” Integrity matters. Humility matters. Culture matters. Fit matters.

Align your vision with your mission – your sole with your role. Invest in yourself and your organization so that when you reach your goals, your purpose is fulfilled. Life is about choices. Choice determines your destiny and the time of your arrival on this journey called life. It is your destiny…choose wisely; achieve success.